Friday, December 3, 2010

Sem 2 Break...

Hmmm, what i did during this sem break?

Not much i guessed.
Just a few movies and outings with friends and family.

Hachiko :
Watch this if you love dogs..
Old movie but still worth watching. :)

If you are a guy, watch this, you will like it.
I'm a girl, but i like it too.
So, girls.. watch it. its nice. :P
Rapunzel 2D and 3D:
Ya, I watched Rapunzel twice. *Got so nice or not?*
Yes, it is that nice! ;)
By the way, if anyone of you haven't watch it.
I suggest you to watch it in 3D, it's worth your money.. :)

Well, what happened during this sem break?
A few heartbreaks and arguments.
Friends, family...
Gahhh! I just feel like making myself disappear in this world.
I know i'm very emo.
Everything went left... I mean everything doesn't go right!
Sigh, i can't wait for Christmas to come.
Because i want to make a christmas' wish.

One more thing, I heard from friends that sem 2 final exams' result is coming out tomorrow.
I know i will get another heartbreak tomorrow. X'(
*Praying hard for an 'Okay Okay' result*

Santa, can you hear me?
I have been so good this year.
And all I want is one thing.
Smiles,Loves,Cares,Health,Happiness.*For everybody*
Oops, thats Five things.
But that's all I want,
Underneath my Christmas tree.
I'll be waiting here.
Santa, that's my only wish this year.

p/s: My camera spoilt. So there will be no photos till I-dont-know-when.

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